Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Role Over and Do What I Ask"

This post won't be about taking a side for this matter of the "Fiscal Cliff" just want to make a point about the ineffectiveness of a leader or working with his peers. The office of the President is not the supreme ruler of the land, even if at times throughout our history it may have seemed that way. No matter how novel the cause or how wrong your intentions are, if your policies don't get passed then none of it matters. In my view a President should work with both sides to get things accomplished. Whether it be by compromising or finding a way to convince others that things need to be done the way he sees them. I believe what Americans want is action, movement something. Both sides need to find a way to work things out, at this point things are becoming childish, nobody wants to affect their chances of getting reelected by alienating their constituency. That is the what is wrong with with this whole situation representatives are no longer looking out for the entirety of the American people but only for the people that will give them a job next time around. I believe the President needs to find a way to get things moving, not just concerning the "Fiscal Cliff" but all his policies in general, or he will be viewed as an ineffective President much like JFK.

Outsourcing, the Only Option?

Recently read a blog post from a a classmate that got me thinking. In this blog the author writes about the common business practice of outsourcing. She states that we benefit from outsourcing and I completely agree with her. Prices can be held lower by outsourcing manufacturing jobs, this isn't always what happens but it does allow a company to lower prices. The way I like to look at it is that we don't dream of working in the manufacturing industry so this will give us the opportunity and push to reach higher positions. There are many negative aspects to this of course because when a job in sent somewhere else like India an American does not get that job. But that allows us to create other jobs, and we do just that. The service section is where a lot of jobs have recently gone to Americans. So the way I see it matter what happens Americans will find a way to continue to create jobs. Outsourcing is the future/present I don't believe this will change so we just need to adapt to this situation and we will.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nothing Has Changed in Congress

Even with a 20% approval rating the
bombardment of countless hours of negative ads and more than $2 billion spent on endless campaigning, status-quo in Congress remains. We decided to elect a Congress that is as divided as the one we do not approve of, which is pretty much the same one. The Senate barely nudges, the House stays almost the same. Apparently we all believe that our representatives as a whole are wrong, well all except ours. It's everybody else that needs to get their sh*t in line.
The American people have spoken. What I hear is that even if we are in the wrong car headed down the wrong lane we decided to keep on it to see where we end up. Hopefully we see some pretty scenery on the way or something. I honestly don't understand it, it just baffles me. Whatever the reason is, it is what it is. So what now? Where do we go from here? Will anything change? Well we have the next couple of years to find out the answers to these questions.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Acts of Terror"

President Obama, Candy Crowley, Governor Romney

Two Weeks Later or the Next Day

David Dayen wrote an article in the Fire Dog Lake Blog where he writes over a certain part on the other night's Town Hall style debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. He writes on the part of the debate where the two spoke on the tragedy in Syria that cost the life of four Americans. The author starts off by declaring President Obama the winner of the debate. He talks about how the President was more prepared for Governor Romney's attacks. Then he goes back to talking about the specific part in the debate where they speak about the tragedy in Syria. During the debate Romney was attempting to make a point that the President was not calling the tragedy an act of terrorism. Candy Crowley the mediator interjected by saying that the President had in fact referred to the event as an "act of terror". David Dayen refers to this interjection by the mediator as a something the american public needs and was waiting for. I do agree that the mediators and media should challenge the "elite" or "powerful". Where I disagree with him is where he refers to what Governor Romney said as made up or lies. When Romney said that the President did not call the attacks an "act of terror" he was correct. I have heard and read the transcript about the speech in question and the President makes a mention to acts of terror in general. He condemns all acts of terrors and never referred to the specific event as a act of terrorism. So that means that Crowley was wrong and she was wrong in front of millions of viewers and she made Romney look as if he was wrong. I believe that if this administration was allowed to have it’s way, we’d all still be hearing about how a US ambassador was killed in a protest resulting from a YouTube video.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Jobs Report

The article Jobs Report Brings Unexpected Good News for Obama in the New York Times by David Leonhardt and Mark Landler reports that this new positive jobs report helps Obama campaign. I agree that the report helps his campaign and like them I also believe that one report won't change the outcome of the elections but it does help. I am happy to see the unemployment rate go down. But I'm not happy about the reason it went down, it is true that a larger number of people are employed but the rate didn't go down because of policies put in place by President Obama  but because a large number of people have simply given up on looking for jobs or didn't actively look for jobs in the past 4 weeks therefore they are not included in the unemployment rate. These people are still unemployed. I do agree this will give the President's campaign a boost yet I don't believe it should. Total employment rose in September after 3 months of little change. 7.8 is this a high amount of Americans that are unemployed because a stagnant/down economy. Not to mention the underemployed. What I find curious is that unemployment is even higher among the President's main supporters 23.7% for teenagers 13.4 for blacks and 9.9 for Hispanics. So I agree and believe this report will help President Obama on his goal of being reelected to office just don't believe it should. The article also mentions that there are a large number of people on twitter and other social media websites claiming that the job reports are somehow being manipulating by economists to favor the President.

Friday, September 21, 2012

When in Doubt Blame it on Bush.

President Obama falsely claimed that the Fast & Furious program began under President Bush.

No our 43rd President George W. Bush is not going to show up on this years ballot. Then why does it seem as Obama is still campaigning against the Bush Administration?  There have been numerous times were Obama has differed the blame of our current problems of on someone else. It varies at times between Bush and those pesky republicans that won't let him do what he wants to. In the not so far past Obama has blamed others for his inability to pass an Immigration Reform or improve the down economy, just to name two, but now in an interview with Jorge Ramos on Univision he blames Bush for something else. He says that the Fast and the Furious program was a "a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration." When in fact the program started 9 months after he took office. Just something to think about.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My name is Erick I am 22 and I was born in Frederick, MD. but I think of myself as a Texan since I have lived here for most of my life.
I consider myself to be a fiscal conservative and social liberal, for the most part. I will be voting republican in the November elections.
I believe that we need to stop turning everything into a Left vs Right debate.
The extent of my political experiences is voting in the 2008 elections.
I am taking this class because I have recently become very interested in politics and well because it is a requirement for my degree.
I regret to say I barely passed both quizzes.