Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Outsourcing, the Only Option?

Recently read a blog post from a a classmate that got me thinking. In this blog the author writes about the common business practice of outsourcing. She states that we benefit from outsourcing and I completely agree with her. Prices can be held lower by outsourcing manufacturing jobs, this isn't always what happens but it does allow a company to lower prices. The way I like to look at it is that we don't dream of working in the manufacturing industry so this will give us the opportunity and push to reach higher positions. There are many negative aspects to this of course because when a job in sent somewhere else like India an American does not get that job. But that allows us to create other jobs, and we do just that. The service section is where a lot of jobs have recently gone to Americans. So the way I see it matter what happens Americans will find a way to continue to create jobs. Outsourcing is the future/present I don't believe this will change so we just need to adapt to this situation and we will.

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