Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nothing Has Changed in Congress

Even with a 20% approval rating the
bombardment of countless hours of negative ads and more than $2 billion spent on endless campaigning, status-quo in Congress remains. We decided to elect a Congress that is as divided as the one we do not approve of, which is pretty much the same one. The Senate barely nudges, the House stays almost the same. Apparently we all believe that our representatives as a whole are wrong, well all except ours. It's everybody else that needs to get their sh*t in line.
The American people have spoken. What I hear is that even if we are in the wrong car headed down the wrong lane we decided to keep on it to see where we end up. Hopefully we see some pretty scenery on the way or something. I honestly don't understand it, it just baffles me. Whatever the reason is, it is what it is. So what now? Where do we go from here? Will anything change? Well we have the next couple of years to find out the answers to these questions.

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