Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Acts of Terror"

President Obama, Candy Crowley, Governor Romney

Two Weeks Later or the Next Day

David Dayen wrote an article in the Fire Dog Lake Blog where he writes over a certain part on the other night's Town Hall style debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. He writes on the part of the debate where the two spoke on the tragedy in Syria that cost the life of four Americans. The author starts off by declaring President Obama the winner of the debate. He talks about how the President was more prepared for Governor Romney's attacks. Then he goes back to talking about the specific part in the debate where they speak about the tragedy in Syria. During the debate Romney was attempting to make a point that the President was not calling the tragedy an act of terrorism. Candy Crowley the mediator interjected by saying that the President had in fact referred to the event as an "act of terror". David Dayen refers to this interjection by the mediator as a something the american public needs and was waiting for. I do agree that the mediators and media should challenge the "elite" or "powerful". Where I disagree with him is where he refers to what Governor Romney said as made up or lies. When Romney said that the President did not call the attacks an "act of terror" he was correct. I have heard and read the transcript about the speech in question and the President makes a mention to acts of terror in general. He condemns all acts of terrors and never referred to the specific event as a act of terrorism. So that means that Crowley was wrong and she was wrong in front of millions of viewers and she made Romney look as if he was wrong. I believe that if this administration was allowed to have it’s way, we’d all still be hearing about how a US ambassador was killed in a protest resulting from a YouTube video.

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