Friday, October 5, 2012

Jobs Report

The article Jobs Report Brings Unexpected Good News for Obama in the New York Times by David Leonhardt and Mark Landler reports that this new positive jobs report helps Obama campaign. I agree that the report helps his campaign and like them I also believe that one report won't change the outcome of the elections but it does help. I am happy to see the unemployment rate go down. But I'm not happy about the reason it went down, it is true that a larger number of people are employed but the rate didn't go down because of policies put in place by President Obama  but because a large number of people have simply given up on looking for jobs or didn't actively look for jobs in the past 4 weeks therefore they are not included in the unemployment rate. These people are still unemployed. I do agree this will give the President's campaign a boost yet I don't believe it should. Total employment rose in September after 3 months of little change. 7.8 is this a high amount of Americans that are unemployed because a stagnant/down economy. Not to mention the underemployed. What I find curious is that unemployment is even higher among the President's main supporters 23.7% for teenagers 13.4 for blacks and 9.9 for Hispanics. So I agree and believe this report will help President Obama on his goal of being reelected to office just don't believe it should. The article also mentions that there are a large number of people on twitter and other social media websites claiming that the job reports are somehow being manipulating by economists to favor the President.

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