Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Role Over and Do What I Ask"

This post won't be about taking a side for this matter of the "Fiscal Cliff" just want to make a point about the ineffectiveness of a leader or working with his peers. The office of the President is not the supreme ruler of the land, even if at times throughout our history it may have seemed that way. No matter how novel the cause or how wrong your intentions are, if your policies don't get passed then none of it matters. In my view a President should work with both sides to get things accomplished. Whether it be by compromising or finding a way to convince others that things need to be done the way he sees them. I believe what Americans want is action, movement something. Both sides need to find a way to work things out, at this point things are becoming childish, nobody wants to affect their chances of getting reelected by alienating their constituency. That is the what is wrong with with this whole situation representatives are no longer looking out for the entirety of the American people but only for the people that will give them a job next time around. I believe the President needs to find a way to get things moving, not just concerning the "Fiscal Cliff" but all his policies in general, or he will be viewed as an ineffective President much like JFK.

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