Friday, September 21, 2012

When in Doubt Blame it on Bush.

President Obama falsely claimed that the Fast & Furious program began under President Bush.

No our 43rd President George W. Bush is not going to show up on this years ballot. Then why does it seem as Obama is still campaigning against the Bush Administration?  There have been numerous times were Obama has differed the blame of our current problems of on someone else. It varies at times between Bush and those pesky republicans that won't let him do what he wants to. In the not so far past Obama has blamed others for his inability to pass an Immigration Reform or improve the down economy, just to name two, but now in an interview with Jorge Ramos on Univision he blames Bush for something else. He says that the Fast and the Furious program was a "a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration." When in fact the program started 9 months after he took office. Just something to think about.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My name is Erick I am 22 and I was born in Frederick, MD. but I think of myself as a Texan since I have lived here for most of my life.
I consider myself to be a fiscal conservative and social liberal, for the most part. I will be voting republican in the November elections.
I believe that we need to stop turning everything into a Left vs Right debate.
The extent of my political experiences is voting in the 2008 elections.
I am taking this class because I have recently become very interested in politics and well because it is a requirement for my degree.
I regret to say I barely passed both quizzes.